Dionex Ultimate 3000 High Performance Liquid Chromatographer (HPLC)
- LPG-3400A Quaternary Low-Pressure Proportioning Analytical Pump
- Operating flow range from 200 microL to 1 mL/min
-Up to 4 solvents can be used
-Up to 4 solvents can be used
- WPS-3000TSL Thermostatted Analytical Well Plate Autosampler
-Thermostatting from 4-45 C
- Variable sample capacities (15x10mL, 66x4mL, 120x1.8mL,
3x96 well plate, 3x386 well plate)
- Injection volume from 1-90 microL
- Variable sample capacities (15x10mL, 66x4mL, 120x1.8mL,
3x96 well plate, 3x386 well plate)
- Injection volume from 1-90 microL
- TCC3000 Thermostatted Column Compartment
-Thermostatting from 5-85 C
- Six column capacity
- Six column capacity
- PDA3000 - Photodiode Array Detector (PDA)
-Wavelength range 190-800 nm
- 1 nm spectral resolution
- SST flow cell with fused silica windows (10mm path length, 13 micro-L volume)
- 1 nm spectral resolution
- SST flow cell with fused silica windows (10mm path length, 13 micro-L volume)
Facilities and Equipment Use
The equipment described above can be made available for use by those outside the lab with fees to cover operating and labor costs for technical support. If you are interested in using our HPLC system please send a written reqeust via email to Joe Kupper (Lab Analyst/Manager) at [email protected] with a copy to Prof. David McNear at [email protected].
The equipment described above can be made available for use by those outside the lab with fees to cover operating and labor costs for technical support. If you are interested in using our HPLC system please send a written reqeust via email to Joe Kupper (Lab Analyst/Manager) at [email protected] with a copy to Prof. David McNear at [email protected].